As you collect information for future use, you have displayed the Visible Implication of the entries in the hope that inconsistency will be noticed. Now, as your user's attention shifts from entry to publication, you will want to carry further your prediction of that publication's impact.
We collect information so that we can use it later on. How it gets used will depend on future events that we cannot predict. Even so, we have a notion of a likely chain of events and carry expectations as to how things will probably work out in the end.
Offer to project the consequences of any publication before that publication is actually made. You may require the entry of additional assumptions or offer alternatives in forecasting technique.
Expect the interpretation of a projection to take some effort. Consider opening a "projection window" with various tabulations and summaries. Obsolete tabulations will be useful for observing parameter sensitivities.
A projection anticipates a question likely asked of a soon to be published domain model. Asking the question has no impact on the system other than reporting the answer.
In a situation where questions concern multiple publications, Hypothetical Publication offers a versatile, though more cumbersome, alternative to projection.