The PLoP94 submission was accompanied with a map showing the relations between patterns placed in two dimensions that seemed relevant but have been forgotten.
We construct a new map based on our recollections and the division of the language into sections. arrows
WholeValueExceptionalValueMeaninglessBehaviorDeferredValidationHypotheticalPublicationEcho BackVisibleImplicationInstantProjectionForecastConfirmationDiagnosticQuery
# Key
Yellow. Specialized Values. Push tangential details into values that handle business or computational conventions.
Green. Provide the Illusion. Create an experience that will feel as if one has direct control of the domain.
Blue. Questionable Information. Support the analysis and disposition of suspect data whatever its source.
Black Arrows. When the solution of one pattern enables another we show these in black.
Gray Arrows. When a pattern suggests another pattern's resolution as enabling, and the relation is not already established, then we show these connections in gray.